Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Aerobic Gymnastics at the Office

Sleepy at work may have been experienced by all people almost every day. Although there is an important meeting, the eye that sometimes can not hold weight. Well, to stay fresh and avoid drowsiness, read these tips !
1. Importance of Breakfast
This cliche should not be underestimated. Breakfast is important for everyday activities. The wrong food choices can make your day apart. A study also proves, the right breakfast can improve concentration and make you feel better than the mental and physical. The secret, combination of the right food. Well, it takes in the morning is the duet of carbohydrates for energy and protein for endurance. For example, eat whole wheat bread with cheese or peanut butter. In addition, eating cereal with fruit or eggs with whole wheat bread can also be an option. Do not eat heavy meals that make the stomach to work optimally. For example, fried rice breakfast in the morning can make your body tired of chewing. Energy used for processing rice stomach can make you drowsy. Choose foods that are light so easily chewed fibrous.
2. Motion !
Do not sit around in the office. Although a lot of work, but you definitely have time to move. From the e-mailing or talking on the chat facility, you better go to your friends to refresh your body stiff from sitting all day. Any little movement can help improve blood circulation and sends oxygen and vital nutrients to the body and brain. So, always a time to myself to move even though it only just went to take a drink into the dispenser.
3. Limit Lunch
All people must have felt most meals will cause drowsiness. This assumption is totally wrong. Do not go crazy when lunch. For those of you with a smart eating. Eat a little in the daytime, and then continue with fresh fruit snack in the afternoon.
4. Avoid Unhealthy Snacking
Eating chocolate can boost energy. But unfortunately only temporarily. An hour later you already sluggish again. Rather than pursue calories from chocolate, you should look for snacks that are also rich in protein and carbohydrates. For example, wheat biscuits or other low-calorie snack.
5. Enough Sleep
Some of you probably already tired of hearing the phrase earlier. But it's the fact, getting enough sleep is very good for health and can prevent you from various diseases. If you come home late, do not then sit in front of the television. As much as possible immediately change clothes, wash, and sleep. Drink warm milk before bed is also believed to make your rest more comfortable. Always try to sleep 7-10 hours a day.