Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Do not Ignore Headache ..!

Most would never get headaches. The symptoms can vary. There is a stagger, head throbbing, spinning, weight, or feels like crushed.

No need to worry, there are moves to push him.

A mother came into the doctor's with a sigh, "Doc, almost every time after eating seafood at a restaurant, I was always dizzy. Head feels lopsided, sometimes to stagger and a little queasy, but after sleeping, dizziness disappeared. "

In general, headache is divided into two parts, tension type headache and migraine primary and secondary headaches caused by a process in the brain due to tumors, bleeding, and others. The causes can be diverse, such as: less sugar or "O2" drugs, mostly nitrates and monosodium glutamate (MSG), hypertension, , infection of the lining of the brain, and bleeding.

Foods that are stimulating, whether it contains MSG, tyramin, dopamine, caffeine, or substances that many nitrates found in processed beef, ham, sausage, on a sensitive person can indeed directly interfere with the function of blood vessels of the head or neck. The reason, several tens of minutes after the food into the stomach, there was a narrowing of blood vessels. Dizziness in the mother before returning vessels arising from the deployment.

Unfortunately, the cause is still unknown dengn uncertain. However, many investigators believe, the chemicals in the blood vessels produced by the body to be the culprits. Impaired blood supply to the brain that lead to changes in the size of blood vessels which can indeed cause dizziness or headaches. Dizzy because food is generally only felt on one side, either pulsed or biased.

Something like this was not the same as an allergy to certain foods or substances. If dizzy due to food or drink due to the influence of amino acids on blood vessels or nerves, so dizzy with food allergies (such as eggs, shrimp, etc.) related to the proteins contained therein.

Meanwhile, allergic disorders are disturbances in the immune system, not on blood vessels or nerves. Symptoms of food allergies in general led to a reaction such as shortness of breath, itching, or swelling of the skin, there are even times when the patient fainted.

Dizziness after eating at a restaurant may be likened to the smell or dizziness when exposed to certain light. Here, people who are sensitive sensory system is higher than the less sensitive. How to prevent it simple. Avoid foods that can cause headaches earlier.

Eye and dental disorders
Headaches and stimulation is actually a result of building on the head and neck are sensitive to pain, whether it be skin, muscles supporting tissue of the skull, blood vessels, or the buildings contained within the skull cavity.
The cause headaches because of factors other than intracranial, may also be due to extracranial factors such as interference with the eyes, throat, teeth, neck bones, or tumors. Can also be due to psychological factors: lots of thoughts, anxiety, or lack of sleep.
Variety headaches also vary, but which often become the talk of people are migraine, headaches press, and vertigo.
Migraine is a form of headache that starts on one side and living, throbbing with nausea and feel more weight on the bent position. Frequency of attacks can be anyweek, can every month. Specific form of dizzy vision preceded, in the middle of the field of view appear bright spots. A few moments later was increased egg spots spread to the left side and was blurred or dark d middle, surrounded by bright light. After 5 minutes, gradually fading shadow. At that moment the pain started to come in next kepaa, throbbing accompanied by nausea.
According to doctors, almost all migraine headache associated with head and neck blood vessels. Originators could be due to hormonal changes during menstruation or while using birth control pills. Could also be due to a sudden temperature changes, psychic, food, or drugs that stimulate. Drugs that are given are usually pursed vessels that will relieve pain. However, administration of drugs should be careful if the patient suffered from high blood pressure, angina pectoris (chest pain left), or already have hardening of the arteries. Generally, at the end of migraine attacks, patients feel weak and sore muscles, but sometimes feel elated.
In pressing headache, symptoms are generally characterized by head feels pressured or bound, comprehensive tense on both sides of the head like the forehead, temples, back of kepaa or neck area. People who frequent this pressing headache, it is recommended to not take painkillers for more than 5-10 times a month. We recommend using a headache remedy that has only one active ingredient, such as acetyl salicylic acid, use of drug combinations instead feared could cause headaches become chronic. In addition, patients are encouraged to do a lot of morning walk, exercise, relaxation training.
When the head aches, neck compresses the back with a warm towel to help alleviate suffering. Patients are also advised not to sit too long when to travel long distances by car. Try to rest at specified intervals. Maybe penlu checked bedding or pillows be the cause. Of course, when the drug and the exercise does not work, need to consult a doctor for further study. Research with the CT-Scan can help to investigate the main causes.
Patients with migraine or headache pressing, it is advisable not to drink alcoholic beverages, preserved or dried food, old cheese, sour cabbage, or leavened foods contain a lot of nitrate (in processed meats), or MSG that's easy to stimulate blood vessel.
Feeling spinning
* Type of other head disorders are vertigo is an illusion or hallucination movement moving.
Patients feel or see the environment as spinning, but it was not. Perceived movement in general spin, although there are cases that are linear motion (the body as if pushed or pulled away from the vertical plane).
Feeling of spin comes from the balance system in the brain is interrupted. System regulating the balance is the vestibular system, the system cerebellum (small brain), and the cortex (outer layer), cerebral and brain stem.
Vertigo which in Greek means to play, most caused by vestibular system disorders are often accompanied by autonomic system disorders (nausea, pale, cold sweat, vomiting, changes in pulse, blood pressure, and diarrhea).
Vertigo is actually a symptom of a disease, can result pascakecelakaan collision or trauma, stress, inner ear disorders, drugs, too little or too much blood flow to the brain. Stagger sensation also can be experienced at the height of a person standing or confusion in a crowded place and foreign. What's worse, if this headache is a symptom of a stroke or brain tumor. To find the base of the cause needs to be carefully examined.
Also known positional vertigo term, namely vertigo will appear only on a particular attitude or position of the head, such as skewed to the right or left ear disturbed and placed in the bottom. This syndrome usually only lasts a few seconds or minutes, but accompanied by nausea.
There is an opinion which states, to overcome the symptoms that patients should continue to strive to maintain the attitude or position mencetuskannya. With this exercise, over time the intensity of the attacks will subside. But in reality, most people immediately look for another position to divert attacks. But, this depends on the cause. If the abnormality lies in the brain stem or cerebellum, no improvement will be obtained in this way.
That need to be wary when a headache arises suddenly with the pain unbearable. It should also be suspected of an increasingly severe headache. Also headache that worsens with straining or doing activities. Especially if accompanied by a decrease in consciousness, talk began to chaotic, high fever. This headache is usually a sign of abnormality daam skull cavity.
Due to Stress?
* Tension headaches are often triggered by stress. People feel dizzy when seeing people, palpitations, abdominal bloating, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and seemed depressed.
If hypertension is generally a headache when you wake up and lessen or disappear as he performs the activities, not so in patients with tension headaches. This type of headache often begins the morning and afternoon getting increasingly heavy. In people with migraine, frequent headache is felt precisely midnight so disturbing his sleep.
If the complaint has to be overcome with medication, observe when the same pain again interfere.
In addition to walking and swimming, customers headaches should also do moderate exercise such as shaking his head to the left and right. Plus exercise shrugged slowly. Try also to regular life and avoid working outside the limits of ...

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