Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Code of Medical Ethics Indonesia (KODEKI)

Since the beginning of human history, has been known relationship of trust between two human beings that is the healer and patient. In modern times, this relationship is called a transaction or contract between doctor and patient therapeutic. This is done in a confidential relationship, in an atmosphere of mutual trust to trust, respect and honor.

Since the establishment of medical practice, the public knows and acknowledges the existence of some fundamental properties inherent in itself an absolute good and wise doctor, that is purity of intention, sincerity of work, humility and scientific and moral integrity is not questionable.

Imhotep of Egypt, Hippocrates of Greece and Galenus of Rome, a few ancient medical pioneer who had laid the foundation and the joints start terbinanya a medical tradition that lofty and noble. Figures of international medical organizations that appear later, arrange the basics of the medical discipline of an international code of medical ethics which is adjusted with the times. In Indonesia, the code of conduct based on reasonable medical ethics and norms that govern human relationships, that fundamental principle contained in the philosophy of Pancasila, as the foundation idiil and the 1945 Constitution as a structural basis. With a view to better realize the seriousness and grandeur real medical science, then the doctors either joined in the association profession Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), and is functionally bound in service organizations, education and research have received the Code of Medical Ethics Indonesia (KODEKI), which formulated in the articles as follows:

I. General Liability
Article 1. Each physician should uphold, appreciate and practice the Oath Doctor.
Article 2. A doctor should always perform their profession according to the size of the highest.
Article 3. In doing medical work, a doctor should not be influenced by considerations of personal gain.
Article 4. The following actions deemed contrary to ethics:
a. Any act which is praising himself.
b. Individually or jointly to apply his knowledge and medical skills in all forms, without freedom of profession.
c. Receive compensation other than reasonable in accordance with their services, except with sincerity, knowledge and / or the will of the patient.
Article 5. Every act or advice which may weaken the human beings endurance, both physical and spiritual, are given only for the benefit of patients.
Article 6. Each physician should always be careful in announcing and implementing any new discovery or treatment techniques that have not been tested truth.
Article 7. A doctor is only giving the information or opinions that can be verified.
Article 8. In doing his job, a doctor should put / put the interests of society and pay attention to all aspects of comprehensive health services (promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative), and trying to become an educator and public servant of the truth.
Article 9. Every doctor in working with officials in the areas of health and other fields and society, should maintain mutual understanding as well as possible.

II. Liability Physicians of Patients
Article 10. Each physician should keep in mind the obligation to protect human beings live.
Article 11. Each physician must be sincere and use all the knowledge and skills for the benefit of patients. In the event he is unable to perform an examination or treatment, then he must refer the patient to another physician who has expertise in the disease.
Article 12. Each physician should provide the opportunity for patients to keep in touch with family and advisors in worship and / or in other problems.
Article 13. Every doctor must keep secret everything he knew about a patient, even after the patient's death.
Article 14. Every doctor must perform emergency care as a humanitarian duty unless he was sure there are others willing and able to give it.

III. Physician Obligations to colleagues
Article 15. Every physician treating his colleagues as he himself would be treated.
Article 16. Each physician should not take over patients from colleagues without his consent.

IV. Physician obligation to Yourself
Article 17. Each physician must maintain his health, in order to work with balk.
Article 18. Each physician should always follow the development of science and remain faithful to his ideals are noble.

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