Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Nose Diseases

Nasal diseases require rapid treatment due to upper respiratory tract. Nose as we all know is the main entrance of oxygen and carbon dioxide discharge.
If poor air quality, pollution effects, or the entry of foreign objects into the nose, certainly on a respirator will experience a variety of diseases.
Many people underestimate the nasal disorders. While maintaining healthy nose is as important as other organs. Here are the various diseases associated with the nose:
A. Cold And Influenza
Cold And Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by viruses, and generally can cause coughing, runny nose, sore throat and sometimes heat or pain in the joints. Symptoms that accompany them mild diarrhea, especially in young children.
Cold and influenza almost always heal itself without medication. Do not use penicillin, tetracycline or other antibiotics, because these drugs do not heal and can cause harm. This is done when meeting a family member has symptoms of cold and influenza:
1. Drinking hot water and get enough rest.
2. Aspirin or acetaminophen to reduce heat and relieve headaches. Salesma tablets are more expensive is not more efficacious than aspirin. So, why do you have to waste money?
3. Keep eating as usual, because there is no prohibition to consume something.
How to treat cough and nasal congestion:
If Cold And Influenza lasted more than a week, or have seizures, cough coupled with lots of mucus and pus discharge (phlegm), breathing fast and shallow conditions, or experience chest pain, then there is the possibility of the patient having bronchitis (bronchitis ) or inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). In these circumstances the necessary antibiotics. The danger of pneumonia is greater in elderly people and who suffer from lung disorders such as chronic bronchitis.
Sore throat or neck pain is often a part of the Cold and influenza. Not required specific treatment, but gargle with warm water will help the healing process. If neck pain occurs suddenly, accompanied by high fever, chances are strep throat (sore throat due to infection streptoccus). In these circumstances required special treatment.
Cold And Influenza Prevention:
1. Nutritional quality of food will help prevent disease salesma. Eating oranges, tomatoes and other fruits containing vitamin C is recommended.
2. Contrary to common belief, cold and influenza are not due to cold or rain. Cold And Influenza is transmitted by a person who has suffered from infection through the air vector.
3. To prevent transmission to others, then the patient should eat and sleep separately from other family members, especially away from the baby. He had to hold my nose or mouth when coughing or sneezing.
4. To prevent cold and influenza does not cause ear pain, do not blow snot hard, just delete your snot. Teach your children to do the same.
B. Clogged nose and runny nose
Stuffy or runny nose may occur due to Cold and flu or allergies. A lot of mucus in the nose causes ear infections in children or sinus disorders (acute and prolonged inflammation in the bone cavity associated with nasal cavity) in adults.
To relieve nasal congestion, can be taken as follows:
1. In young children, carefully suction the snot or mucus from the nose by using suction or sempritan balloon without needles.
2. Adults and teenagers can breathe in the salt water into his nose. This will liquefy mucus.
3. Breathing in the steam of hot water will relieve a stuffy nose.
4. Wipe your nose, but do not blow snot hard, because this can cause ear pain and sinus infections.
5. Patients often experience ear pain or sinus disorders can be prevented by wearing nose drops decongestan like phenyleprine. After inhaling a little salt water, the drug drops in the nose as follows:
Tilt the head, then drops 2 or 3 drops into the lower nostril. Wait a few minutes and do the same thing on other holes.
C. INTERFERENCE sinuses (sinusitis)
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, the cavities in the bones associated with the nasal cavity, which is severe and usually occurs in chronic (chronic).
The signs:
1. Pain in the face around the eyes. In this area if you knock on the bone or bow your head, the face will be sore.
2. The nose is often blocked by the presence of a thick nanan or runny nose.
3. Sometimes followed by heat.
1. Breathe a little salt water into the nose
2. Put warm compresses on the face
3. Use nose drops like phenyleprine decongestan
4. Antibiotics such as tetracyclin, ampicilin, or penicillin, can be used to relieve sinus.
5. If the patient condition did not improve, a doctor for help immediately.
D. NOSE FOR ALLERGIC inflammation (rhinitis ALLERGICA)
Allergica rhinitis caused by allergic reactions in the nose caused by the entry of foreign substances into the throat channel.
Use antihistamines such as chlorpheniramine, dimenhydrinate, which are usually sold to treat motion sickness.
Find the cause of allergies, like dust, feathers, flower pollen, mold, and try to avoid these objects.

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