Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Showing Nails Health Conditions

How often do we consider someone's hand finger nails? Not often. But the nails can reveal a lot about a person's general health. So the next time if you are invited to a dinner, observe her nails.

But if you want to be invited back, postpone your desire to announce when a guest is menderitaonikomikosis (fungal infection of fingernails or feet).

Is the person sitting next to you is a bartender, lawyer, politician, nurse, or a contractor? Instructions may exist in a fragile and broken nails, due to frequent hand contact with water from day to day.

Water penetrates through the nail 100 times faster than through the skin. This causes swelling of the nail, and then when your hands out of the water, your nails dry and shrink.

Effect of repeated it will weaken the nails, making them more prone to tearing. The best solution is to wear gloves when hands must be frequently in contact with water.

Can any of the guests who make a common mistake by accidentally smashing their fingers into the drawer or door? If there is, see if you can identify the beau, a sort of hollow horizontal lines or ditches which happened to be found in the nail.

This unexpected trauma cause sudden disruption in nail keratin synthesis. The width and breadth of the pressure varies depending on the level of trauma.

But if you're lucky enough to be invited to dinner again next year, you'll discover Beau's lines have disappeared. Nails grow about a tenth of a millimeter each day, or about one inch every eight months.

But maybe you also get the opportunity, if canceled beau lines not related to injury. Local disease at the base of the nail can also cause this pressure.

Indeed, guests may have been suffering from common diseases. Nails are very sensitive to a variety of acute illnesses. They probably will stop growing and cause a sharp groove is visible on the tenth fingernails in the same location.

So if the pressure or horizontal trenches only looks at half of the nail, you will look genius if you ask him whether he had suffered a serious illness four months ago.

Are the other guests have a habit of biting your nails when nervous? Chronic trauma to the nail often causes what is called paronikia.

This is an inflammation caused by bacteria entering through the skin and tissue around the nail that causes irritation and swelling. Intake of cuticle (not the cell layer above the layer of the epidermis) are constantly thumb nail can cause the same condition as well. So look for inflammation around the edge of the skin and nails.

Wacth around the table to see if there are tacit heavy drinkers who attended. Cirrhosis of the liver will cause the nail looks opaque are not normal, replace the white color of pink that is generally produced by the blood under the skin of the nail.

Skin disease can also make its presence was revealed at the banquet table. For example, those who suffer from psoriasis (a skin disease sufferers experience the process of change of skin that is too fast) may have a series of small spots on the surface of the nail.

And if a person suffers from chronic iron deficiency, you'll know it from the nail surface shape like a spoon and not round like a general.

You may have the opportunity to observe living with a bad nail syndrome, onychomycosis.

This fungal infection affects 2.5 percent of the population and cause feelings of shame and misery. Infection starts from the nail plate, hard surface that protects the most visible is the most obvious and gradually spread to the nail.

People with this type often is someone who uses heavy boots as the police and construction workers. Such footwear cause heat and moisture which speed up the development of toenail fungus infection. And ironically, people with this type is someone who frequently visit the health club.

Diagnosis is generally easy. Nails yellowish brown color becomes thick, cracked, and deformed, and eventually the nail will separate from the nail bed.

This is more than a cosmetic problem. Those who have a very thick nail, it will be impossible buttoning a shirt or pick up something from the table. While others can not be typed or wear ordinary shoes.

But if the host or hostess you suffer from onychomycosis, and you want to be invited back, postpone to tell him when the toenail fungus can be cured.

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