Senin, 04 Oktober 2010


Houses are one of the essential requirements for human life.
Houses or human habitation, from time to time experienced growth. In ancient times human beings lived in caves, and then expand, by building a dwelling house in the  woods and under trees. Up to this modern century, mankind has been building a house (where) graded and equipped with all modern equipment. Since time immemorial human too have tried to design his house, with their own ideas which are themselves based on the culture of local communities and build their homes with existing materials.

Factors - factors to consider in. build a house
1. Environmental factors, both physical environment, biological or social environment. It means building a house should pay attention to the place where the house was founded. In the mountains or the beach, in the village or in town, in cold regions or in hot regions, the area near Mount Merapi (the quake) or in the free areas of the earthquake and so on. Houses in rural areas, of course adjusted rural socio-cultural conditions, such as material, shape, and so forth. Houses in the area of the earthquake must be made with a lightweight material but it must be sturdy, the house near the forest should be made in such a way that is secure against the attacks of wild beasts.

2. The economic capacity of communities
It is intended the house is built on the basis of financial capability inhabitants, for which the local ingredients are cheap eg bamboo, wood roof Rubia and so are the basic materials making homes. It should be noted that the building of a house is not just standing at the time, but so necessary maintenance. Therefore, the ability of maintenance by the residents need to be considered.

3. The technology is owned by the community
In today's housing technology is so advanced and it was so modern. But modern technology is very expensive and sometimes not even understood by the public. However simple rural people, already has its own housing technology that belongs hereditary. In the application of appropriate technology, the technology is already owned by the community is modified. Aspects of adverse health reduced, and maintain aspects that have been positive.

4. Wisdom (the regulations) the government concerning land use for this, for housing the rural community is not yet a problem, but the city has become a big problem.

Terms healthy home
a. Floor: tile or cement is good, but not suitable for rural economic conditions. Wood floors are often found in the homes of people who are able in rural areas, and it was expensive. Therefore, for a country house floor is sufficient common ground is compacted. An important requirement here is not dusty in the dry season and not get wet in the rainy season. To obtain a solid ground floor (not dusty), can be reached by flushing water and then compacted with objects that are fallow (, and done many times. The floor is wet and dusty is a nest of diseases.
b. Walls: The wall is good, but on the expensive side, the wall is actually less suitable for the tropics, more ¬ over, if ventilation is insufficient. The walls of houses in the tropics, especially in rural areas, better wall or board. Because even if the window is not enough, then the holes in the wall or board may be a vent, and can add natural lighting.

c. roof tiles are commonly used both in urban and rural. In addition to the roof tiles are suitable for tropical regions, can also be reached by the community and even society can create your own. However, many rural communities who can not afford for it, then the roof of tassel or coconut leaf leaves can be preserved. Zinc or asbestos roofs are not suitable for rural homes, in addition to expensive also generates heat in the house.
d.Lain Others (beams, rafters and lath)
Wood for poles, bamboos for rafters and battens are common in rural areas. According to the experience of these materials durable. But it should be noted that the holes bamboo is a good rat's nest. To avoid this it must be by way of cut bamboo, and, if not at the link, then the holes at the ends of bamboo used for the rafters are covered with wood.

Ventilation house has many functions. The first function is to keep the air flow inside the house was still fresh. This means the balance of O2 required by the occupants of the house is maintained. Lack of ventilation will cause a lack of O2 in the house which means that the CO2 levels are toxic for the residents to be increased. In addition, inadequate ventilation will cause the indoor humidity rises because the process of evaporation and absorption of fluids from the skin. Humidity will be a good medium for bacteria, pathogens (bacteria ¬ bacteria that cause disease).
The second function of the ventilation is to free air space of the bacteria, particularly pathogenic bacteria, because there always occurs a continuous air flow. The bacteria are carried by air will always flow. Another function is to keep the indoor home always remained in the humidity (humudity) the optimum.
There are 2 kinds of ventilation, namely:
a) natural ventilation, where air flow in the room
occurs naturally via windows, doors, vents, holes
on the walls and so forth. On the other hand natural ventilation is not
beneficial, because it is also the entrance of mosquitoes and insects
others into the house. For that there must be other efforts to
protect us from mosquito bites.
b) artificial ventilation, ie by using special tools for
air flow, such as a fan, and air suction machine.
But obviously this tool does not match the condition of the house in the countryside.
It should be noted here that the manufacture of ventilation systems must be maintained
so air does not turn over again, must flow. That is in the room there should be a house entrance and exit of air.

Healthy home requires a fairly light, not less and less
a lot. The lack of incoming light
into the room house, especially the next day the sunlight is less comfortable, too
is a medium or a good place

to life and development of seeds disease. Conversely too much light in the house will cause glare, and ultimately can damage the eye. The light can be divided into 2, namely:
a) natural light, the sun. The light is very important, because it can
kill pathogenic bacteria in the home, such as tuberculosis bacillus. By
Therefore, a healthy house must have enough light entrance.
Should entrance light (window) width of at least 15% ¬
to 20% of floor area contained in the room of the house. Need
considered in making the window the sun can be cultivated for
directly into the room, not obstructed by other buildings. Function
window here, in addition to ventilation, as well as entrance
Location of window placement must also be considered and sought for light
long sun shining on the floor (not illuminate the wall). It should
window must be in the middle height of the wall (wall).
Natural light entrance is also cultivated with glass tile. Roof tile
glass can be made simply, by punching holes in tile usual
time of manufacture, then closed it with broken glass.
b) artificial light, using light sources, but not natural,
such as kerosene lamps, electrical, fire and so forth.

Healthy home building floor area should be enough for occupants in it, it means
building floor area shall be adjusted by the number of occupants. Size
buildings that are not comparable with the number of inhabitants will cause
overcrowded. This is not healthy, because in addition to causing
lack konsumsiO2 also when one family member affected by disease
infection, will be easily transmitted to other family members. Building area
The optimum is when to provide 2.5 to 3 m2 per person
(Each family member).

Amenities facilities within the Health House
A healthy home-fasititas must have the following facilities:
a. provision of adequate clean water
b. Excreta disposal
c. Sewage Disposal
d. Garbage disposal
e. Kitchen facilities
f. Family gathering space
g. Storage warehouse, the warehouse is usually a part of the house
or a separate building
h. Cattle sheds, these rural areas should be separate from the cattle pen
home and do not be stored under the house or in the garden column

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