Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Aerobic Gymnastics at the Office

Sleepy at work may have been experienced by all people almost every day. Although there is an important meeting, the eye that sometimes can not hold weight. Well, to stay fresh and avoid drowsiness, read these tips !
1. Importance of Breakfast
This cliche should not be underestimated. Breakfast is important for everyday activities. The wrong food choices can make your day apart. A study also proves, the right breakfast can improve concentration and make you feel better than the mental and physical. The secret, combination of the right food. Well, it takes in the morning is the duet of carbohydrates for energy and protein for endurance. For example, eat whole wheat bread with cheese or peanut butter. In addition, eating cereal with fruit or eggs with whole wheat bread can also be an option. Do not eat heavy meals that make the stomach to work optimally. For example, fried rice breakfast in the morning can make your body tired of chewing. Energy used for processing rice stomach can make you drowsy. Choose foods that are light so easily chewed fibrous.
2. Motion !
Do not sit around in the office. Although a lot of work, but you definitely have time to move. From the e-mailing or talking on the chat facility, you better go to your friends to refresh your body stiff from sitting all day. Any little movement can help improve blood circulation and sends oxygen and vital nutrients to the body and brain. So, always a time to myself to move even though it only just went to take a drink into the dispenser.
3. Limit Lunch
All people must have felt most meals will cause drowsiness. This assumption is totally wrong. Do not go crazy when lunch. For those of you with a smart eating. Eat a little in the daytime, and then continue with fresh fruit snack in the afternoon.
4. Avoid Unhealthy Snacking
Eating chocolate can boost energy. But unfortunately only temporarily. An hour later you already sluggish again. Rather than pursue calories from chocolate, you should look for snacks that are also rich in protein and carbohydrates. For example, wheat biscuits or other low-calorie snack.
5. Enough Sleep
Some of you probably already tired of hearing the phrase earlier. But it's the fact, getting enough sleep is very good for health and can prevent you from various diseases. If you come home late, do not then sit in front of the television. As much as possible immediately change clothes, wash, and sleep. Drink warm milk before bed is also believed to make your rest more comfortable. Always try to sleep 7-10 hours a day.

Healthy Driving Tips

Driving with the use of motor vehicles is fun, but if done with intensity quite a long time or for hours would certainly affect the other. From what was exciting to be otherwise. For example, the body feels tired or sore, especially around the waist and hips and even your back. Stomach also be down or down.
As a fellow rider, I want to share tips on how a good solution.
• Regular exercise 2x a week such as jogging, playing ball, tennis, basketball, etc.)
• For those who do not have plenty of time to conduct sporting activities well before driving in the morning: do muscle stretching movements for approximately 10 - 15 minutes
After driving as well as doing the above.
Now, if at rest or relax while watching TV probably can do the following things;
• Sitting position, then both legs stretched a little wider, then slowly kiss your knees alternately left and right. Do it again and again for 1 minute.
• lying position, lift both legs upward with both hands holding her hips, then hold for 1 minute. Move slowly forward so that your toes through the top of the head 3 x.
• Do "kayang" position repeatedly.

• Sitting position, both feet placed so that your left foot and right meet or adhere to each other for 1 minute. Regular massage also help keep blood flow to run well, and the muscles are not stiff.
Do it every day for about 5 minutes try to feel the difference, our muscles are no longer to harden. I myself have proved, and conduct and my muscles are no longer rigid. These tips are also useful for individuals who do a lot of activity intensity in the seat.

Healthy Foods Affect Children Intelligent

Maybe for your parents really want your children smart and intelligent in school. But the majority of your desire is not achieved due to your child that you expect intelligent but were far from expectations. So what exactly is affecting the child's intelligence and cleverness? The answer is easy once the food they consumed. Although many in the television commercials of products to enhance the intelligence of children, but it was felt less because it is less natural. If you want your child to have intelligence that should do the optimal consumption of fruits, vegetables, protein, and foods high in fiber and help the development of intelligence and physical growth of children.

Healthy food does not need expensive food but healthy food is the food as described above ie vegetables, protein, fruits and high fiber foods. Many parents today who thinks that delivering food from a restaurant-fancy expensive food is already sufficient nutrition and healthy food has been said but in fact the result of zero.

In addition to providing healthy food habit familiarize your child is always breakfast. Because in one study said that children breakfast every morning, was more focused tasks in school. Because, breakfast could eliminate hunger and nutritional needs for the move.


Houses are one of the essential requirements for human life.
Houses or human habitation, from time to time experienced growth. In ancient times human beings lived in caves, and then expand, by building a dwelling house in the  woods and under trees. Up to this modern century, mankind has been building a house (where) graded and equipped with all modern equipment. Since time immemorial human too have tried to design his house, with their own ideas which are themselves based on the culture of local communities and build their homes with existing materials.

Factors - factors to consider in. build a house
1. Environmental factors, both physical environment, biological or social environment. It means building a house should pay attention to the place where the house was founded. In the mountains or the beach, in the village or in town, in cold regions or in hot regions, the area near Mount Merapi (the quake) or in the free areas of the earthquake and so on. Houses in rural areas, of course adjusted rural socio-cultural conditions, such as material, shape, and so forth. Houses in the area of the earthquake must be made with a lightweight material but it must be sturdy, the house near the forest should be made in such a way that is secure against the attacks of wild beasts.

2. The economic capacity of communities
It is intended the house is built on the basis of financial capability inhabitants, for which the local ingredients are cheap eg bamboo, wood roof Rubia and so are the basic materials making homes. It should be noted that the building of a house is not just standing at the time, but so necessary maintenance. Therefore, the ability of maintenance by the residents need to be considered.

3. The technology is owned by the community
In today's housing technology is so advanced and it was so modern. But modern technology is very expensive and sometimes not even understood by the public. However simple rural people, already has its own housing technology that belongs hereditary. In the application of appropriate technology, the technology is already owned by the community is modified. Aspects of adverse health reduced, and maintain aspects that have been positive.

4. Wisdom (the regulations) the government concerning land use for this, for housing the rural community is not yet a problem, but the city has become a big problem.

Terms healthy home
a. Floor: tile or cement is good, but not suitable for rural economic conditions. Wood floors are often found in the homes of people who are able in rural areas, and it was expensive. Therefore, for a country house floor is sufficient common ground is compacted. An important requirement here is not dusty in the dry season and not get wet in the rainy season. To obtain a solid ground floor (not dusty), can be reached by flushing water and then compacted with objects that are fallow (, and done many times. The floor is wet and dusty is a nest of diseases.
b. Walls: The wall is good, but on the expensive side, the wall is actually less suitable for the tropics, more ¬ over, if ventilation is insufficient. The walls of houses in the tropics, especially in rural areas, better wall or board. Because even if the window is not enough, then the holes in the wall or board may be a vent, and can add natural lighting.

c. roof tiles are commonly used both in urban and rural. In addition to the roof tiles are suitable for tropical regions, can also be reached by the community and even society can create your own. However, many rural communities who can not afford for it, then the roof of tassel or coconut leaf leaves can be preserved. Zinc or asbestos roofs are not suitable for rural homes, in addition to expensive also generates heat in the house.
d.Lain Others (beams, rafters and lath)
Wood for poles, bamboos for rafters and battens are common in rural areas. According to the experience of these materials durable. But it should be noted that the holes bamboo is a good rat's nest. To avoid this it must be by way of cut bamboo, and, if not at the link, then the holes at the ends of bamboo used for the rafters are covered with wood.

Ventilation house has many functions. The first function is to keep the air flow inside the house was still fresh. This means the balance of O2 required by the occupants of the house is maintained. Lack of ventilation will cause a lack of O2 in the house which means that the CO2 levels are toxic for the residents to be increased. In addition, inadequate ventilation will cause the indoor humidity rises because the process of evaporation and absorption of fluids from the skin. Humidity will be a good medium for bacteria, pathogens (bacteria ¬ bacteria that cause disease).
The second function of the ventilation is to free air space of the bacteria, particularly pathogenic bacteria, because there always occurs a continuous air flow. The bacteria are carried by air will always flow. Another function is to keep the indoor home always remained in the humidity (humudity) the optimum.
There are 2 kinds of ventilation, namely:
a) natural ventilation, where air flow in the room
occurs naturally via windows, doors, vents, holes
on the walls and so forth. On the other hand natural ventilation is not
beneficial, because it is also the entrance of mosquitoes and insects
others into the house. For that there must be other efforts to
protect us from mosquito bites.
b) artificial ventilation, ie by using special tools for
air flow, such as a fan, and air suction machine.
But obviously this tool does not match the condition of the house in the countryside.
It should be noted here that the manufacture of ventilation systems must be maintained
so air does not turn over again, must flow. That is in the room there should be a house entrance and exit of air.

Healthy home requires a fairly light, not less and less
a lot. The lack of incoming light
into the room house, especially the next day the sunlight is less comfortable, too
is a medium or a good place

to life and development of seeds disease. Conversely too much light in the house will cause glare, and ultimately can damage the eye. The light can be divided into 2, namely:
a) natural light, the sun. The light is very important, because it can
kill pathogenic bacteria in the home, such as tuberculosis bacillus. By
Therefore, a healthy house must have enough light entrance.
Should entrance light (window) width of at least 15% ¬
to 20% of floor area contained in the room of the house. Need
considered in making the window the sun can be cultivated for
directly into the room, not obstructed by other buildings. Function
window here, in addition to ventilation, as well as entrance
Location of window placement must also be considered and sought for light
long sun shining on the floor (not illuminate the wall). It should
window must be in the middle height of the wall (wall).
Natural light entrance is also cultivated with glass tile. Roof tile
glass can be made simply, by punching holes in tile usual
time of manufacture, then closed it with broken glass.
b) artificial light, using light sources, but not natural,
such as kerosene lamps, electrical, fire and so forth.

Healthy home building floor area should be enough for occupants in it, it means
building floor area shall be adjusted by the number of occupants. Size
buildings that are not comparable with the number of inhabitants will cause
overcrowded. This is not healthy, because in addition to causing
lack konsumsiO2 also when one family member affected by disease
infection, will be easily transmitted to other family members. Building area
The optimum is when to provide 2.5 to 3 m2 per person
(Each family member).

Amenities facilities within the Health House
A healthy home-fasititas must have the following facilities:
a. provision of adequate clean water
b. Excreta disposal
c. Sewage Disposal
d. Garbage disposal
e. Kitchen facilities
f. Family gathering space
g. Storage warehouse, the warehouse is usually a part of the house
or a separate building
h. Cattle sheds, these rural areas should be separate from the cattle pen
home and do not be stored under the house or in the garden column

Must Stay Healthy Teeth Treated

A healthy tooth is teeth clean without any holes. With good dental care and regular, then there is no tooth cavities in our mouths. Therefore, try to get the maximum maintenance of healthy teeth constantly.

Dental care from an early age is critical oral health until the end of life. Some of the teeth and mouth disease can be experienced by children and infants when treatment is not done well, such as holes in the surface of the teeth, gums are inflamed, and the presence of canker sores.

Tooth decay that generally occur at an early age (children and infants) usually because of the food / beverage. Foods such as chocolate and sticky sweet like lunkhead if not promptly brushed / mouth will be left behind and causing tooth decay. Also drinks like tea, coffee, soft drinks, and cigarettes can cause a thin layer on the tooth called the stain so that the color of the teeth become dull, brownish. Stain the rough layer is easily attached by the remnants of food and germs, which eventually form a plaque, if not cleaned will harden and become tartar, and can spread to the roots of teeth. Consequently teeth bleed easily, easy teeth wobbly and easily dated.

Showing Nails Health Conditions

How often do we consider someone's hand finger nails? Not often. But the nails can reveal a lot about a person's general health. So the next time if you are invited to a dinner, observe her nails.

But if you want to be invited back, postpone your desire to announce when a guest is menderitaonikomikosis (fungal infection of fingernails or feet).

Is the person sitting next to you is a bartender, lawyer, politician, nurse, or a contractor? Instructions may exist in a fragile and broken nails, due to frequent hand contact with water from day to day.

Water penetrates through the nail 100 times faster than through the skin. This causes swelling of the nail, and then when your hands out of the water, your nails dry and shrink.

Effect of repeated it will weaken the nails, making them more prone to tearing. The best solution is to wear gloves when hands must be frequently in contact with water.

Can any of the guests who make a common mistake by accidentally smashing their fingers into the drawer or door? If there is, see if you can identify the beau, a sort of hollow horizontal lines or ditches which happened to be found in the nail.

This unexpected trauma cause sudden disruption in nail keratin synthesis. The width and breadth of the pressure varies depending on the level of trauma.

But if you're lucky enough to be invited to dinner again next year, you'll discover Beau's lines have disappeared. Nails grow about a tenth of a millimeter each day, or about one inch every eight months.

But maybe you also get the opportunity, if canceled beau lines not related to injury. Local disease at the base of the nail can also cause this pressure.

Indeed, guests may have been suffering from common diseases. Nails are very sensitive to a variety of acute illnesses. They probably will stop growing and cause a sharp groove is visible on the tenth fingernails in the same location.

So if the pressure or horizontal trenches only looks at half of the nail, you will look genius if you ask him whether he had suffered a serious illness four months ago.

Are the other guests have a habit of biting your nails when nervous? Chronic trauma to the nail often causes what is called paronikia.

This is an inflammation caused by bacteria entering through the skin and tissue around the nail that causes irritation and swelling. Intake of cuticle (not the cell layer above the layer of the epidermis) are constantly thumb nail can cause the same condition as well. So look for inflammation around the edge of the skin and nails.

Wacth around the table to see if there are tacit heavy drinkers who attended. Cirrhosis of the liver will cause the nail looks opaque are not normal, replace the white color of pink that is generally produced by the blood under the skin of the nail.

Skin disease can also make its presence was revealed at the banquet table. For example, those who suffer from psoriasis (a skin disease sufferers experience the process of change of skin that is too fast) may have a series of small spots on the surface of the nail.

And if a person suffers from chronic iron deficiency, you'll know it from the nail surface shape like a spoon and not round like a general.

You may have the opportunity to observe living with a bad nail syndrome, onychomycosis.

This fungal infection affects 2.5 percent of the population and cause feelings of shame and misery. Infection starts from the nail plate, hard surface that protects the most visible is the most obvious and gradually spread to the nail.

People with this type often is someone who uses heavy boots as the police and construction workers. Such footwear cause heat and moisture which speed up the development of toenail fungus infection. And ironically, people with this type is someone who frequently visit the health club.

Diagnosis is generally easy. Nails yellowish brown color becomes thick, cracked, and deformed, and eventually the nail will separate from the nail bed.

This is more than a cosmetic problem. Those who have a very thick nail, it will be impossible buttoning a shirt or pick up something from the table. While others can not be typed or wear ordinary shoes.

But if the host or hostess you suffer from onychomycosis, and you want to be invited back, postpone to tell him when the toenail fungus can be cured.

Maintaining Healthy Skin

Healthy skin will make a person look more fresh and young. Especially for women who want to look beautiful and youthful, healthy skin is one of the most important things that must be considered.

Do not Smoke 
Smoking will damage the small circulation in the skin, thus making the skin look dull and not bright. Will add wrinkles to the skin, especially on the skin around the mouth.

Balanced Diet
Diet with a healthy balanced diet, containing lots of vegetables and fruits to meet the adequacy of vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants.

Regular exercise will make the skin healthy and ideal weight.

Enough sleep
Sleep is necessary to improve the body's cells are damaged, including skin cells. Make your skin and body refreshed.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption also can damage the liver.

Protect from Sun Rays
Dangers of sunlight is ultraviolet A rays it emits, which can damage the skin's collagen network. The skin will be thinner and easier to occur wrinkles.

Overcome Stress
Stress can damage health in addition, will also affect the face and shape of your body.

Take A Nap is Very Good For Heart Health

Not many are aware, slept a moment during the lunch break to help reduce the risk of death, especially in the able-bodied young men. Greek scientists who conducted research for six-year period mentioned nap for about 30 minutes at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of impaired heart disease.

The experts expressed naps help people to relax and reduce their stress levels, even smaller heart problems found in the country who regularly take a nap, although some studies show different results.

Research conducted in Greece was performed on 23 681 prua and women in the age range 20 to 86 years. The participants have a good health record, no history of heart disease and other acute illnesses.

In a six-year study, the participants were asked details about their siesta hour, their eating habits and regular physical activity they do.

As a result, the researchers said those who napped had a lower risk of suffering from heart problems as much as 34 percent than those who did not nap.

While those who napped for more than 30 minutes for three or more in each week has a record 37 percent lower heart disorder.

Afternoon Sleep At noon PekerjaTidur also reduce the risk of heart problems in the workers, where about 64 percent decreased risk of heart risk of death. While unemployment in men, accounting for only about 36 percent.

In this study, the comparison is not so much found the death rate in women.

Nap and vascular disorders have a significant relationship. Phenomenon is found in countries that the majority of the population is undergoing routine periodic naps, and the result is the death rate due to the disruption of blood vessels is very low," said lead investigator Dr. Dimitrios Trichopoulos, Harvard School of Public Health, as quoted by the BBC on Monday (2/12/2007).

Trichopoulos also added, although various studies of napping is often done with different results, but there are important points that can be drawn from this study, namely: we become aware of health and limit one's ability to control their physical activity.

The same thing also be said June Davison, health nurse from the British Heart Foundation, which states nap penyaki help reduce the risk of heart disease, especially in the male workers.

"Nap in the midst of hours of rest helps us to relax and escape the burden for a moment, and it was very berrarti for our health. What we must remember is to balance rest and activity," said Davison.

Davison also added those who are easily stressed because the work tends to reckless with their health behaviors, such as excessive smoking, eating unhealthy foods, drink alcoholic beverages and even forget to exercise. This has further increased the risk of heart problems.

The program has been ogled nap Yarde Metals, aluminum and iron industry has a special room for workers nap in their offices, in Southington, Connecticut. Nap room has two leather sofas, soft pillows, dim lighting and an alarm clock.

"Although only a little nap, but I can go back to collect the energy and make the body fit. I think naps should begin to get used in the routine of our jobs," says Mark Ekenbarger, Yarde Metals Company engineers, who suffered pembesaraan artery and had to undergo regular naps on heart doctor's advice.

"Nap itself is not a habit in America, because the same napping with laziness in the business world with high mobility. But now, several offices in the United States began to allow time for a nap for 30-40 minutes during the lunch break, and the results are those who utilize naps become more productive, "said Bill Anthony, psychological, Boston University and author of" The Art of Napping at Work.

Apples For Your Lung Health

A recent study monitoring the dietary pattern of nearly 2,000 pregnant women and lung health check as many as 1253 people in children aged under five. Among the wide variety of food eaten and recorded by pregnant women, only apple consumption showed consistent protection for against asthma.

Children with mothers who ate four apples per week found 37 percent less often experience shortness of breath and 53 percent less often suffer asthma, compared with mothers who ate less than 1 apple per week during pregnancy.

Specific relationship was found in apples, and not on the amount of fruit eaten or on citrus, fruit juice or vegetable consumption, pointing to the effects specific-apples, possibly because of its unique flavonoids, which have seen a beneficial effect on lung function of adults

Take advantage of Hand to Improve Health

HANDS is an organ that can help you maintain good health, ranging from preventing the flu, give general health information to keep trimness waist size. However, the benefits of hands is often ignored in these key matters. Here are some healthy tricks in the palm of your hand that can be used to maximize your health.

1. Prevent excessive eating in restaurants
Changes in the portion of the main reasons for overeating when you eat outside the home. You can measure the calories by using your palms. Three ounces of meat or fish size as the palm of your hand (and plenty of restaurants serving 2 times as much). One peck ideal dessert (brownies, for example) is equivalent to the size of your thumb the average woman.

2. Maintain healthy metabolism
If you break your fingernails more often than usual, this could be a sign of hypo or hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the body produces too little (hypo) or too much (hyper) hormones that regulate your metabolism. Other symptoms of hyperthyroidism include difficulty concentrating, weight loss for no reason, and feel warm and hungry all the time. Who's the other symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, pain in muscles and joints, weight gain, and feeling cold all the time.

If you feel experiencing these symptoms, try berkonsutasi to your doctor about the possibility of doing a blood test and physical examination.

3. Nourish hair
The easy way to thicken the hair is to train your hands to massage the scalp other than just brushing, blow or straighten hair. Massaging the scalp, according to health practitioners, can stimulate the growth of hair follicles and nourish hair. Place the tip of your fingers on the forehead right at the hairline and dispose of breath when you rub his head toward the rear. Repeat 10 times a day.

4. Prevent the flu and fever
The hand is the main entrance germs that can make you sick. Your hands are occupied by many of the germs when you push the elevator button, holding the handle of a treadmill or open the door handle. Therefore, experts advise you to wash your hands. Clean with soap and warm water for 20 seconds, and do not forget the space between the fingers and nails.

5. In order to look younger
Hand is a picture of your age. Even when you were aged in their 30s or 40s, the hand can show the effects of sun damage and natural aging, such as dry skin, brown spots, and thinning of the skin.

To keep your hands still look young, be sure to give equal treatment to your face. That is, use a moisturizer regularly, use sunscreen before going outdoors and using retinoids or antioxidants to repair sun damage.

6. Prevent nausea
You are easily nauseated when driving? Try applying acupressure techniques before starting the journey. The review of 40 studies, was quoted as prevention sites found, menstimulai point at the wrist effective in reducing nausea due to drunk driving. To try it, press in between the two tendons on the inside of the wrist, a distance of about 3 fingers below the base of the palm.

7. Health Check circulation

Your hands are cold all the time? In general, according to health experts, this does not need to worry about. In fact, this condition is a sign of good health. People with low blood pressure but healthy often have blood that is concentrated in the body, thus making the body feel cold.

However, the light of Steve Rosenbaum, MD, of Baylor College of Medicine Clinic, if your hand or foot ice didikuti with hair loss or impairment of memory, chances are you have hypothyroidism, tingling or pain may indicate a deficiency of vitamin B12. Simple blood test can help you detect the two disorders that can be handled this.

Shrink Stomach Health For ..!

Middle age (around 40 years old) is when we grow bloated stomach. For Asian men, a normal waist size is no more and 90 cm, and for women no more than 80 cm, which measured as high circular navel.

The increase above normal values could be in line with an increased incidence of various metabolic diseases. For example, diabetes and cholesterol, high blood pressure (hypertension), and vascular disorders such as stroke and coronary heart disease.

Since the age of 20 years (end adolesensi), which had been constructive metabolism (anabolisme) began herubah gradually become a flat metabolism, slows, and eventually remodel (catabolism) when entering old age. Remodel metabolism causes a decrease in muscle and bone mass and increased body fat, especially around the tool body sepenti heart, intestine, kidney, and under the skin of the abdomen. Accumulation of fat under the skin of the abdomen that causes stomach bulge.

Metabolism (chemical reactions in the body to utilize the nutritional elements for the formation of power and various other purposes) have started slowing down at age above 40 years. When the muscles and organs begin to shrink. Also the body needs fewer calories than before. If a teenager in the growth period can be gobbled down two plates of rice and dozens skewer, then during this metabolic slowdown may only be able to eat a plate of rice and some skewers. Obesity occurs if the diet remains the same sepenti during adolescence, but physical activity was much reduced while the metabolism slows down.

When on a diet as well as exercise, weight loss often does not go down. Lo, why? In a diet with exercise, decrease in abdominal circumference will actually occur earlier than the decrease in body weight. As a result of the sport - especially the character of the burden, both heavy (weight) and velocity (speed) - often helped to increase muscle mass. That way, even if the weight loss program that has reduced the amount of body fat, body weight may stay the same or even rise because of increased muscle mass. A more appropriate sign of shrinking abdominal circumference, marked with a lax dress in the abdomen.

Eat intelligently
There is a general assumption, if we include more calories from food than the calories used by the body, the more fat or lard are piled. Unfortunately, lard often collects in the abdomen. The question is, what foods provide lots of calories and cause accumulation of lard?
Some experts argue, fat or oil is a food element that gives the biggest calorie. The reason is, first, 1 g fat will contribute 9 kaloni (compared with protein and carbohydrates only provide 4 calories / g). Second, fat teryata actually use fewer calories in the process of metabolism. Pnotein necessary for the metabolism of calories about 23% of total calories produced, for carbohydrate it takes about 6-7%, but for the metabolism of fat just need 2 -3%. Because it produces more high-calorie and metabolism that requires less energy that is, the fat is considered as an element of food that must be reduced if we are going on a diet!

To reduce the foods that contain lots of fat, get used to doing several things at mealtime. First, get used to drinking one glass of water before meals. Dr. Blackburn from Harvand Medical School states, "The feeling hungry is often a manifestation of his thirst. If we get used to drinking water at the time felt like snacking out while eating, then that desire will be reduced."

If you like fruit juice, you can replace water with low-calorie fruit blend for fiber also consumed. Choose fruit or low calorie vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. Blenderan fruit or vegetables can be taken to eliminate the feeling of wanting to snack, or drink before the meal. In addition, soluble fiber (soluble) in blenderan will reduce the absorption of fat and food in the gut.

When selecting a dinner plate, try taking a flat plate (plate), and not a concave plate (disc). Take the vegetables in advance to meet the plate, then rice, and the last side dish meat. If you want to add, only vegetables that you can take. Do not forget, always eat at the dinner table and do not eat at any place let alone while watching TV. Because, the more exciting the more TV shows or snack foods that you spend!

In addition to providing an opportunity to drop food, habits stroll after dinner will help to spend some calories from the food. Every 25 steps you walk, the calories will be used. Especially if you climb the stairs. Of course all this must be done with ease because your stomach just been filled.

Continue to exercise what?
Proper exercise to help weight loss is a combination of weight training and aerobics. Once a week weight training and aerobic exercise 3-5 times a week not only help you lose weight, but also will maintain the weight that has been achieved.
Weight training can be done using a dumbbell or equipment in the fitness centers.

For weight training instructor may be necessary to avoid adding too much muscle mass that makes weight loss increased rapidly. Aerobic exercise can be done alone. Able to swim slowly, jogging, biking, running or brisk walking, and aerobics. Characteristics of aerobic exercise in the form of perspiration without feeling short of breath, tired, and sleepy after exercise. In contrast, aerobic exercise should make the body feel more refreshed, not hungry, and not sleepy.

Shrinking stomach should not be done with an excessive burden. Sit-up exercise can be a burden sport because you have to lift two-thirds of the body! If you want to reduce that burden, may use a special instrument which also can prevent back pain from sit-ups. Often those who try to shrink the stomach with sit-ups without getting stomach brace despite actually growing belly bulge but it's not more muscular and toned.

To shrink the stomach, hip movement that mild but longer would be more effective. Exercise can be done with tools such as for games hullahoop or dish to exercise pelvic motion. This movement may be likened to the movement of the belly dancers or hula-hula which have relatively small stomachs.

The same thing applies to the downsizing of the thigh or leg. If using a heavy burden, maybe your thighs and legs bigger and muscular. To reduce it you can mimic the movement of cyclists who pedaled his bicycle in the village slowly but within Iama. That cyclists generally have the thighs and legs more slender than a rickshaw driver.

Changes in behavior
Changes in behavior is actually the first thing that should be made on streamlining the body and shrink the stomach. In addition to healthy behaviors in the diet and exercise, some behaviors should also be embedded within us so that implementation is done spontaneously and automatically.
Especially for women, which also take into account is the behavior of shopping and cooking. Instead, do not shop while an empty stomach. Make a grocery list according to need. If you'd like food shopping, went to former fruit and vegetable outlets. Instant food outlets you must visit at the end when it really needs it.

Especially for factory-made food, read and note the nutritional information on packaging labels. Low-fat foods generally contain less and 5 g of fat or oil per serving (serving size). Do not buy sweet snacks such as cakes, cookies, candy, and chocolate to put on the dinner table. Replace it with fruits.

The best cooking methods to reduce the number of calories in food is boiling, cooking, baking, or memepes. Especially for vegetables, you can menumisnya with a little oil (eg half tablespoon of oil). Avoid oil or animal fat. Use the thin coconut milk for cooking.

Fry the meat or fish with lots of oil will lead to two losses. First, the amount of excess oil which will be absorbed, especially if the food is wrapped in flour. Second, frying meat, chicken, fish, and eggs with high heating and cooking can alter the use of unsaturated oils become saturated and produce nitrosamines are carcinogenic (causing cancer).

Health behavior may exist in the form of exercise, which means hisa daily activities at home and at work. Activities such as washing cars, gardening, cleaning floors, washing dishes can be done as part of the exercise as long as it is happy and relaxed. Activities undertaken are forced will result in stress that triggers adrenaline expenditure.

What is important, ask yourself whether you have feelings of anxiety, depression, or excessive stress. All these circumstances can make you overeat even do not need it. Make a deal, maybe you need to consult with a psychologist before starting a diet and exercise. What matters, carry out all these programs with ease and do not dwell on the results. Weight loss will gradually give more permanent results than the decline drastically.

Tips on How to Keep the genital Health / Reproductive Organs Healthy order Kept

Genital organs of the reproductive system is a very important function for us that we must take care and keep in good health at present and in the future. If negligent in guarding it, then it could be just the genitals can be exposed to different diseases or disorders as susceptible to change.

1. Use Clean Hygienic Knickers
Change of underwear we wear at least twice in one day if its users easily sweats that are not easily covered with germs. CD or underwear that is not good hygienic dirty hit by sweat and dirt and moisture will facilitate the breeding of bacteria that can invite disease, odor, prickly heat, and others.

2. The Clean Wash Routine genital
Flush and rinse with clean water until clean after urination and bowel movement so that no residual urine / urine attached to the genital skin. For men who are not circumcised and still have the foreskin covering the penis is required to clean the inside of the foreskin (penis head in) until the net every day to prevent cancer. For the women rajinlah replace the pads during menstruation / menstrual / coming months as well as familiarize cebok with front to back for dirt pup did not move to the vagina.

3. Pubic Hair Shave In Routine / Periodic
For those who have long pubic hair trim pubic hair should do in order to keep short so as not much overgrown with bacteria. In addition, there are good bacteria that grow in the surrounding pubic hair so that's not good to be shaved down to bald.

4. Stay away / Avoiding Dangerous Threats
Genitals quite sensitive to x-ray x-ray, so need to watch out for not often do rontsen. Try X-ray only once within the deadline of 6 months. Also avoid foods, beverages and destructive habits such as reproductive health drink containing alcohol, smoking, using drugs, and so forth.

5. Keep Temperatures In Section genital
If the male genitalia / men are in a hot environment, the sperm produced would decrease its quality so that may not be able to fertilize an egg cell is married wife. Therefore, avoid using tight clothing made from heat less ventilation and stay away from habits that increase the temperature of the genitals such as a laptop lap on the thighs near the genitals.

6. Avoid premarital sex and Stay Faithful In Pairs
Any reason not to have sex with a partner as husband and wife are not the legitimate spouse we choose a partner and a faithful and free of sexually transmitted diseases (pms). Ignoring this will be at high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases are dangerous sepert HIV AIDS, herpes, syphilis, genital warts, hepatitis b, and much more.

Maintaining Healthy Feet

Foot, probably is one part of our body that we often forget in terms of maintenance or we watch his health. In fact, from the foot is also often arise problems that interfere with the foot in line with neglect of health, such as soles of the feet which are cracked or even foot odor.

Here are some simple steps to maintaining healthy feet:
1. Perform periodic inspection of the condition of the foot to see if there are changes in the feet. Consider whether the nails thicken, or pale (which could indicate a fungus) and the cracks or tear in the skin which is an indication foot athlete's foot problem.
2. Clean regularly while showering or bathing. Do not forget to clean the sidelines of the feet and nails and do not forget to drain it.
3. Choose comfortable shoes, use shoe that fits and allows the foot to breathe.
4. Avoid the outdoors without the use of shoes. Bare feet are more susceptible to injury and infection, so secure the legs to remain shod.
5. Change socks periodically, to avoid the emergence of fungi and bacteria that cause the appearance of foot odor.
6. Tell your doctor every time you experience foot health problems of leg pain. If you have diabetes, foot check-up schedule once a year.
By considering the tips above we will obtain a beautiful and healthy legs.

Nose Diseases

Nasal diseases require rapid treatment due to upper respiratory tract. Nose as we all know is the main entrance of oxygen and carbon dioxide discharge.
If poor air quality, pollution effects, or the entry of foreign objects into the nose, certainly on a respirator will experience a variety of diseases.
Many people underestimate the nasal disorders. While maintaining healthy nose is as important as other organs. Here are the various diseases associated with the nose:
A. Cold And Influenza
Cold And Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by viruses, and generally can cause coughing, runny nose, sore throat and sometimes heat or pain in the joints. Symptoms that accompany them mild diarrhea, especially in young children.
Cold and influenza almost always heal itself without medication. Do not use penicillin, tetracycline or other antibiotics, because these drugs do not heal and can cause harm. This is done when meeting a family member has symptoms of cold and influenza:
1. Drinking hot water and get enough rest.
2. Aspirin or acetaminophen to reduce heat and relieve headaches. Salesma tablets are more expensive is not more efficacious than aspirin. So, why do you have to waste money?
3. Keep eating as usual, because there is no prohibition to consume something.
How to treat cough and nasal congestion:
If Cold And Influenza lasted more than a week, or have seizures, cough coupled with lots of mucus and pus discharge (phlegm), breathing fast and shallow conditions, or experience chest pain, then there is the possibility of the patient having bronchitis (bronchitis ) or inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). In these circumstances the necessary antibiotics. The danger of pneumonia is greater in elderly people and who suffer from lung disorders such as chronic bronchitis.
Sore throat or neck pain is often a part of the Cold and influenza. Not required specific treatment, but gargle with warm water will help the healing process. If neck pain occurs suddenly, accompanied by high fever, chances are strep throat (sore throat due to infection streptoccus). In these circumstances required special treatment.
Cold And Influenza Prevention:
1. Nutritional quality of food will help prevent disease salesma. Eating oranges, tomatoes and other fruits containing vitamin C is recommended.
2. Contrary to common belief, cold and influenza are not due to cold or rain. Cold And Influenza is transmitted by a person who has suffered from infection through the air vector.
3. To prevent transmission to others, then the patient should eat and sleep separately from other family members, especially away from the baby. He had to hold my nose or mouth when coughing or sneezing.
4. To prevent cold and influenza does not cause ear pain, do not blow snot hard, just delete your snot. Teach your children to do the same.
B. Clogged nose and runny nose
Stuffy or runny nose may occur due to Cold and flu or allergies. A lot of mucus in the nose causes ear infections in children or sinus disorders (acute and prolonged inflammation in the bone cavity associated with nasal cavity) in adults.
To relieve nasal congestion, can be taken as follows:
1. In young children, carefully suction the snot or mucus from the nose by using suction or sempritan balloon without needles.
2. Adults and teenagers can breathe in the salt water into his nose. This will liquefy mucus.
3. Breathing in the steam of hot water will relieve a stuffy nose.
4. Wipe your nose, but do not blow snot hard, because this can cause ear pain and sinus infections.
5. Patients often experience ear pain or sinus disorders can be prevented by wearing nose drops decongestan like phenyleprine. After inhaling a little salt water, the drug drops in the nose as follows:
Tilt the head, then drops 2 or 3 drops into the lower nostril. Wait a few minutes and do the same thing on other holes.
C. INTERFERENCE sinuses (sinusitis)
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, the cavities in the bones associated with the nasal cavity, which is severe and usually occurs in chronic (chronic).
The signs:
1. Pain in the face around the eyes. In this area if you knock on the bone or bow your head, the face will be sore.
2. The nose is often blocked by the presence of a thick nanan or runny nose.
3. Sometimes followed by heat.
1. Breathe a little salt water into the nose
2. Put warm compresses on the face
3. Use nose drops like phenyleprine decongestan
4. Antibiotics such as tetracyclin, ampicilin, or penicillin, can be used to relieve sinus.
5. If the patient condition did not improve, a doctor for help immediately.
D. NOSE FOR ALLERGIC inflammation (rhinitis ALLERGICA)
Allergica rhinitis caused by allergic reactions in the nose caused by the entry of foreign substances into the throat channel.
Use antihistamines such as chlorpheniramine, dimenhydrinate, which are usually sold to treat motion sickness.
Find the cause of allergies, like dust, feathers, flower pollen, mold, and try to avoid these objects.

Tips for Keeping Your Ear Health

Ear infections in children under five is not a rare occurrence. Because of either the way you clean the ears wrong or indeed any other cause. "Cleaning the ear wax is actually quite limited to the ear alone, no need to get to the ear canal," said dr. Entjep Hadjar, otologist, nose, and throat of RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo this can be prevented by therapy ear (ear Therapy)

In the ear canal, precisely in the third outer furry ears, there is oil or wax glands. This serves to prevent entry of dirt, insects, and bacteria. Under normal circumstances this would remove the oil gland bit by bit, melted out to follow the ear auricle Therapy. Waste resembles dirt or soft clay, but will dry by itself. After drying, the gland was going to produce oil again. Similarly, its mechanism of action in cleaning the ear naturally. But if the ear canal too often stimulated, these glands will release excess oil which was less good for health with the ears eg ear wax candle / ear candle.

If there is dirt that has been known to harden near the eardrum, should alert you to the doctor or ENT specialist can also use the ear candle / ear wax candle. Usually the doctor will give eardrops (carbolic glycerine 10%) to solve the dung. Dirt is already broken sprayed or scraped out. Infections that may arise due to irritation of dirt was overcome by administration of drugs antibiotika.ikutilah class spa ear candle for ear health.

In addition can lead to infection, fossilized feces will cause ear pain or a bit deaf after a swim (terapilah with ear candle spa). Because the incoming water will be blocked out. Even if a clogged ear hole just next door, can result in dizziness or vertigo (spinning), especially when you are swimming in cold water.

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Caring for Infants With True

Discuss infant care is tricky. Not just takes patience, but need the knowledge of how proper infant care.

Caring for a baby will soon become a natural attitude. But remember, the way you are always different from others. Infant care is to find the most suitable for you and your baby.

Baby care involves many aspects. Starts when you pick up the baby, while changing clothes, bathe, or feed him, hold him firmly and confidently. Speak slowly and softly, as he made eye contact.

Lifting baby
Arms and embrace the baby will make her feel safe and loved. It may not be easy at first, but you'll grow accustomed to often.

* Stand facing him, susupkan one hand down her head and neck, and another hand to the buttocks.
* Lift slowly and gently toward your chest, turn his head toward the curve of the elbow, then prop his body with your arms.
* When putting, hold the head and buttocks. Pull first hand from her ass, then pull the hands of a distinguished under the heads.

Baby carrier
Included in infant care as well as holding a baby. Newborns can not hold his head. You must support it so as not to droop. Use a sling for it close to your body while your hand can do something else.

Most babies do not like clothes that are inserted through the head. There's a good idea to buy clothes that buckle or lace front or side.

Changing diapers
To avoid diaper rash, change as soon as possible when wet or kotor.Perlu known, newborn care needs to change a diaper 10 to 12 times a day.

Baby care from head to toe
In the normal newborn care really do not need to be bathed every day. Among the bath, wipe the baby's body with a wipe from head to toe.

How, go baby clothes for a while, clean the parts that need, such as face, hands, and the genitals. Do not clean the inside of the nose or ears, because the lenders and the membranes that they can clean it yourself. Rub the soiled areas with wet cotton.

Included in the care of a baby is bathing them properly:

* Prepare in advance the purposes of bathing,
* The contents of warm water into the tub, check the temperature with an elbow.
* Open the clothes, wrap a towel on your lap. Wipe eyes with cotton that has been moistened with cold boiled water. Clean the area around the face and mouth.
* Keramasi hair, hold her head above the bathtub. Drain. Remove the towel, place one hand under his shoulders, and the other in the ass, and enter the baby gently into the tub.
* Hold the neck and shoulders, sabuni and rinse your hands are free. Hold your buttocks and lift. Wrap in a towel, pat to dry. Let the baby wrapped in a towel when you put a shirt and diaper.

Baby sleep time is different. The average newborn will wake up for 6-8 hours every 24 hours, and usually sleep during the day 3-5 hours.

Crying is a way to tell your baby needs. Gradually, you will learn to distinguish his cries. Between cries of hungry or tired. That way you can provide baby care properly. If it does not stop as well, try to contact your doctor.